To upload bills to a Bill Upload account for Connect, you must select that option when enrolling your account.
Once you have a utility account set up as a 'manual bill upload', you will be uploading the utility bills directly into Measurabl to update your accounts.
How to upload your utility bills in Measurabl:
- Navigate to the 'Connect' tab on the menu bar to the left of your screen.
Click the 'Show Only My Bill Uploads' button in the top right on the table.
- Click on the property & provider that you want to upload bills for.
The resulting pop up window will have all of the accounts' information. In the 'Bill Uploads' box, drag and drop your utility bills. Once uploaded, the bill will show the status of 'Processing'.
- Ensure you are uploading bills for the account numbers that are on the same pop out window where you are uploading to.
- Files must be in PDF, JPG, or JPEG format.
- There can only be ONE utility bill per PDF file or else we will not be able to process the data.
Once bills are uploaded, it may take up to 3 weeks to have the data processed & available in your meters in Measurabl, although it is normally much sooner.
- If there are any errors with the uploaded bills, the bill will have an 'Invalid Bill' issue placed on it.
- Once the data from the bill has been exacted & verified, the bill status will change to 'Processed'. You can view the bill data directly in the associated meter(s), by clicking 'See all meters for this building' above the accounts table. You can also get there from the main page > Sites > Select your property > Click 'Utilities' tab.
- Once you are on the site's Utilities page, you can identify the Connect meters by how their names are formatted “MSR.(Utility Provider Name)(Account Number):(Meter Number)".
- Click into the Connect meter, and scroll down to the 'Readings' table to view the data.
NOTE: You are able to download bills for each meter reading by clicking the green download icon.
Additional Information & FAQs
What information is required on the bills?
- Account number
- Start/end dates of meter readings
- Usage/ consumption
Scan quality of at least 300 dpi
How often do I need to upload my bills?
- When you are setting up your account, you can choose the frequency at which you want to be reminded to upload your bills. You can upload your bills as often as you receive them. Ultimately, It is up to you to keep the data up-to-date. We recommend monthly to keep your data as current as possible.
- When you are setting up your account, you can choose the frequency at which you want to be reminded to upload your bills. You can upload your bills as often as you receive them. Ultimately, It is up to you to keep the data up-to-date. We recommend monthly to keep your data as current as possible.
What if my property is set up as a campus?
- On the Connect dashboard, child properties will be shown as individual sites to help with categorizing where each utility account should be enrolled under.
- To find the child property name that the account is enrolled under, it is best to search by the account number. Or, if you know the child property name it is enrolled under, you can also search by that. From there, you will click into the card and you can upload the bill as normal.
I accidentally uploaded the wrong bill into Measurabl. How do I delete it?
- Please email indicating the provider, account, and specific bill(s) that need to be removed.
- Please email indicating the provider, account, and specific bill(s) that need to be removed.
How will I know if my bill is invalid?
If you upload a bill that is invalid (due to one or more of the requirements above missing) the specific bill(s) that are invalid will be marked, and the provider receives an Invalid Bill issue.
If you upload a bill that is invalid (due to one or more of the requirements above missing) the specific bill(s) that are invalid will be marked, and the provider receives an Invalid Bill issue.
How many bills can I upload at once?
- Note that you should only have 1 bill per pdf, however, you can drag and drop multiple bills at once into the drop box. We recommend only 5 at a time otherwise it may cause long loading times.