Our Data Operations team regularly performs account verifications/cleanups in Measurabl for Connect meters. This includes merging meters if necessary.
If you see multiple of the same meter appear on your 'Utilities' page, it is likely that there was a change in the utility provider, account number, and/or meter number. This is because each Connect meter is named distinctly, MSR.(Utility Provider)(Account Number):(Meter Number), and a new meter is automatically created if there are any changes on the bills in regards to these naming convention components.
Here's an example ...
You see a Connect meter on your 'Utilities' page: MSR. Example Energy 567890:333000
In addition, another Connect meter appears under it: MSR. Example Energy 09871238:333000
This is the same meter as the Utility Provider and the Meter Numbers have remained constant, while the Account Number changed from 567890 to 09871238. It can be determined that they are the same meter because of the constants, and also the start/end dates of the meters readings will align and fit together.
Reasons why Connect meters would need to be merged:
- To fix meter data overlaps
- To fill meter gaps
- Property was sold
Although majority of Connect meters that need to be merged will be caught by our Data Operations team, if you do find any meter that need to be merged, please email us with the following information:
- Account number(s) and specific meters you’d like to be merged
- Name of the property containing those accounts
- Reason you believe the meters need merging
NOTE: Manual meters and Connect meters can not be merged together. If data was initially added to a manual meter, and then it was switched to a Connect meter, then you will want to deactivate the manual meter on the first read date of the Connect meter to ensure that there aren't any readings overlapping. You can also delete the manual meter if it contains all the same readings as the Connect meter.