Data Completeness gives you actionable insights on energy data coverage at the portfolio and building levels so that you can prioritize and delegate work to fill data gaps.
The Data Completeness tool provides visual insight on two key metrics: Floor Area Coverage shows the share of floor area that has meter data entered, and Meter Completeness shows the percentage of days within entered meters that have bill data. With these insights, you will know which buildings, spaces, and meters have incomplete data, and what can be done to improve Data Completeness.
How to Navigate Data Completeness:
- From your landing page, click on the 'Analytics' tab on the left where 'Data Completeness' is the default landing page
At the top of this initial page, you will see the metrics for Floor Area Coverage & Meter Completeness in donut charts for the whole portfolio, with tooltips defining each metric.
Scrolling down to the building cards, you can search for a specific building and/or sort the cards as needed. In each card, you will see the space breakout showing Energy Floor Area Coverage and the meter table showing Meter Completeness.
NOTE: On the left side of the page, you can adjust the performance periods and filter the listed building cards by Floor Area Coverage, Meter Completeness, Property Manager, Type, Location, and Size.
You can also click into the button 'View All Issues', which will bring you to a table of the Data Integrity Issues for all of your properties. To easily delegate fixes to the issues, you can copy the list of site managers' emails for the property. Click back to 'View All Buildings' to go back to the building view.
- While viewing a building card, you can select the space breakout visual, and it will open a view showing all of the spaces for the building and the meters assigned to each space. You can open the same view by selecting 'View All Spaces'. Selecting a space name on that view will take you to the building's 'Utilities' page.
From the meters table, you can select a meter or 'View All Meters', to open that building's 'Utilities' page where you can add meter data.
NOTE: In the Utilities page view, you can open the Meters view, which shows the building's meters or the Spaces view, which shows the building's spaces and their meter assignments. This is helpful depending on what you need to do to increase data completeness.
Additional Information & FAQs:
Can you define some of the key terms of this feature?
Floor Area Coverage measures the % of interior floor area with an electric meter assigned with at least one day of data during the performance period (excluding NCMR periods).
Meter Completeness measures the % of meter days during a performance period with data entered. Meter Completeness evaluates only the dates between meter activation & deactivation dates and only the days during which the building was owned. Meter completeness does evaluate dates during which NCMR events took place.
- A data gap is either:
- Meter reading gap: any instance of at least one full calendar day of missing energy data on a meter, such as a meter with a bill ending 12/31/2020 and the next bill starting 1/2/2021. This definition includes current Data Integrity Monitoring (DIM) gaps as well as 'late meter' or 'end' gaps (gaps after the last bill date).
- Space gap: any instance where either no electric meter is assigned to a space or there is no data on the assigned electric meter during the performance period. A whole building gap is a building where every space has a space gap.
- End gap: any instance where active energy meters' end date of the latest bill is more than three months out of date. This also applies if there is an end gap prior to a deactivation date, even if that deactivation date occurred years ago. Ex// Meter has a deactivation date of 10/14/2019, last bill ended 9/23/19, there’s an end gap from 9/23/19-10/14/19. These notifications will be seen in the building-level Utilities tab, meter inspector, and in the Data Completeness Issues View.
Floor Area Coverage measures the % of interior floor area with an electric meter assigned with at least one day of data during the performance period (excluding NCMR periods).
How does Floor Area Coverage work with whole building meters?
- When an electric meter with data is assigned to the whole building, all spaces are counted as 'covered' for Data Completeness.
- When an electric meter with data is assigned to the whole building, all spaces are counted as 'covered' for Data Completeness.
What about milestones like NCMR dates and meter (de)activation dates during the performance period?
- They’re all factored into the calculation of Floor Area Coverage/Meter Completeness as appropriate.