How does Measurabl know if my asset is Landlord or Tenant Controlled?
Official comment
Measurabl assumes a Landlord or Tenant Controlled status based on how you’ve set up spaces for the property. Sites are labeled as Tenant Controlled if they DO NOT have common area or Landlord Controlled if they DO have common area.
Per GRESB guidance, Landlord Controlled areas are those for which the landlord is determined to have “operational control” where operational control is defined as having the ability to introduce and implement operating policies, health and safety policies, and/or environmental policies, so you will want to keep this definition in mind in determining how you want to report.
If you want to report it as the opposite control type, you can click the vertical ellipses menu and then click “Report as Landlord/Tenant Controlled”. You can also modify control-type at the meter-level by changing between “Paid by Landlord” and “Paid by Tenant”, which is important if you have a Landlord Controlled property with leasable spaces.
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