With Connect, you can download & view the utility data that is pulled in directly from the utility providers' bills. Here's how:
How to view Connect bill data:
- Select the 'Sites' tab on the left menu.
- Type & Click on the desired site that you want to see the utility data for.
- Click the 'Utilities' tab.
- Toggle between the 'Energy', 'Water', and 'Waste' tabs at the top to navigate to the desired utility meter type. Look for the Connect meter you want to review data for -- NOTE: Connect meters are always named in this format MSR.(Utility Provider)(Account Number):(Meter Number), so you can search for the correct meter by looking for these components in the meter name.
- Click on the Connect meter you want to see data for. Scroll to the bottom under the 'Readings' table. Here you will see all of the bill readings that have been pulled in. You can click on the green download arrow to export/view any of the bills.
- To access the meters on the 'Utilities' page, you can also go from the Measurabl landing page > Click the 'Connect' tab.
- Search & select the desired property > Click the card > Scroll down to the Accounts section.
- Click 'See all meters for this building'. Then follow steps 4 & 5 to navigate further.
What data does Connect push to my Measurabl and Energy Star account?
- Bill date ranges
- Utility usage and total cost
- Demand (kw) and demand cost (electric meters only)
How do I know if there's a problem with my data?
- The Status column on the main Connect page will give you an overview of the status of each account. If there's a problem, you will see a red triangle with the status "Has Issues". Click into those buildings to see how to fix those issues. Further information on how to fix those issues can be found here. You will be notified by email if your site(s) have any Connect issues. Otherwise, everything is good!
- The Status column on the main Connect page will give you an overview of the status of each account. If there's a problem, you will see a red triangle with the status "Has Issues". Click into those buildings to see how to fix those issues. Further information on how to fix those issues can be found here. You will be notified by email if your site(s) have any Connect issues. Otherwise, everything is good!
What do I do if I find a gap or an overlap in my data?
- Measurabl automatically identifies gaps, overlaps, late meters, and more with the Connect feature. These issues are reviewed and resolved by Measurabl on a regular basis. If you have questions about the issue or need it to be fixed by a certain deadline (i.e. ENERGY STAR certification deadline), please feel free to send us an email and we'll be happy to assist.
How do I know if my meter(s) is active or inactive?
- Measurabl allows you to track meter activation dates within Measurabl for all meter types and utility types. For more information, navigate to this guide.