ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager (ESPM) is a US government-backed tool for ordinance submission and ENERGY STAR certification. The Measurabl software and ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager have an integration that pulls and pushes data between the two platforms. This article will review the capabilities and what is and isn't included in the integration.
NOTE: ESPM and Measurabl automatically syncs every 1-3 days. If you have portfolio level access, you can push a hard refresh from the 'Sites' page in the ENERGY STAR banner. The actual sync time will depend on the size of your portfolio and the amount of changes, it can vary from 5 min - 3 hr.
DISCLAIMER: If any EnergyStar properties shared into Measurabl are unshared with Measurabl or deleted from EnergyStar, then the property & property data will not be editable in Measurabl anymore!
Key Measurabl-Only Features:
- Actionable analytics:
- Floor area coverage and meter completeness
- Cohort Insights
- Portfolio-level targets tracking
- Connect bill automation
- Tracking other ESG data points:
- Automated certification tracking for GBCI and BREEAM
- Property lifecycle events
- KPI aggregation for reporting frameworks (GRESB, CDP)
Key ESPM-Only Features:
- Certification submission
- Ordinance filing
- Performance metrics for source EUI and broken out by fuel type
Flow directions of ESPM & Measurabl
Items that flow one-way:
- The following items only flow from ESPM into Measurabl:
- ENERGY STAR scores
- ENERGY STAR certifications
- ENERGY STAR certification eligibility
- The only item that flows one way from Measurabl into ESPM are Connect meters/readings. While there’s complexity to the integration, the key note to emphasize is that all changes to Connect meters need to flow through Measurabl. Any changes made to Connect meters inside of ESPM, will get overwritten the next time the systems run a sync. Be sure you follow all Connect processes within Measurabl.
Items that do not sync:
ESPM and Measurabl are unique systems, so there are some elements that simply don't have a place on the other system.
Items with bidirectional flow:
Some items have a bidirectional flow, which means that data flows in both directions. This allows our users to work in whichever system they like and know that the data will update to match in the other system. In general, most non-Utility-Sync meters and most property details can be edited on either platform.
Spaces are more complicated than some of the other data flows because we offer the flexibility to keep the two systems aligned or to customize spaces locally in Measurabl only. By default, when a site first gets linked from ESPM to Measurabl, it will pull in the total floor area (or Gross Floor Area) by pulling in each different 'Use Type' as a separate leasable area. If the property is set up as a campus with multiple child buildings, Measurabl pulls in the whole campus as a single site, with the leasable spaces matching up to the floor area of each child property in the campus. There is also has a 'customize spaces' tool that pops up whenever users start to edit the spaces in Measurabl. Measurabl offers some additional property types, and this option allows customers to change Measurabl without affecting the ESPM profile.
FAQs & Additional Information
Can customers outside the US use ENERGY STAR?
- Yes! Canadian clients can use ESPM for ordinance submission and certification, just like in the US. Besides US and Canada, other countries are able to track their building performance in ESPM, and must do so if they want to use Connect.
- Yes! Canadian clients can use ESPM for ordinance submission and certification, just like in the US. Besides US and Canada, other countries are able to track their building performance in ESPM, and must do so if they want to use Connect.
What factors won't allow a meter to sync from Measurabl to ESPM?
Non-USD currency
- Negative usage/cost reading values
Biodiesel (B100)
Biodiesel (B20)
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Liquid Propane
Renewable Diesel
Disposable Waste - # Times Emptied, Avg. % Full metrics
What factors won't allow a meter to sync from ESPM to Measurabl?
Meters that are marked “Not Included in Metrics”
Meters with no readings
Data center IT meters and data
Wastewater meters and data
What characteristics of a meter won't flow to ESPM (but the meter itself will still flow to ESPM)?
Offsite renewable energy
Reading estimate notations
Meter-space assignments
What are the ineligible meter types & units that don't sync into ESPM?
Measurabl Meter Type Measurabl Unit Type Natural Gas KWH (THOUSAND WATT-HOURS) Natural Gas MWH (MILLION WATT-HOURS) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) CCF (HUNDRED CUBIC FEET) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) CF (CUBIC FEET) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) CM (CUBIC METERS) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) GJ Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) KBTU (THOUSAND BTU) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) KCF (THOUSAND CUBIC FEET) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) MBTU (MILLION BTU) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) MCF (MILLION CUBIC FEET) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) THERMS Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) KWH (THOUSAND WATT-HOURS) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) MWH (MILLION WATT-HOURS) District Chilled Water - Absorption Chiller using Natural Gas KWH (THOUSAND WATT-HOURS) District Chilled Water - Absorption Chiller using Natural Gas MWH (MILLION WATT-HOURS) District Chilled Water - Electric-Driven Chiller KWH (THOUSAND WATT-HOURS) District Chilled Water - Electric-Driven Chiller MWH (MILLION WATT-HOURS) District Chilled Water - Engine-Driven Chiller using Natural Gas KWH (THOUSAND WATT-HOURS) District Chilled Water - Engine-Driven Chiller using Natural Gas MWH (MILLION WATT-HOURS) District Chilled Water - Other KWH (THOUSAND WATT-HOURS) District Chilled Water - Other MWH (MILLION WATT-HOURS) District Hot Water KWH (THOUSAND WATT-HOURS) District Hot Water MWH (MILLION WATT-HOURS) District Steam KWH (THOUSAND WATT-HOURS) District Steam MWH (MILLION WATT-HOURS) Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) GALLONS Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) GALLONS (UK) Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) GJ Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) KBTU (THOUSAND BTU) Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) LITERS Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) MBTU (MILLION BTU) Biodiesel (B100) GALLONS Biodiesel (B100) GALLONS (UK) Biodiesel (B100) GJ Biodiesel (B100) KBTU (THOUSAND BTU) Biodiesel (B100) LITERS Biodiesel (B100) MBTU (MILLION BTU) Biodiesel (B20) GALLONS Biodiesel (B20) GALLONS (UK) Biodiesel (B20) GJ Biodiesel (B20) KBTU (THOUSAND BTU) Biodiesel (B20) LITERS Biodiesel (B20) MBTU (MILLION BTU) Renewable Diesel GALLONS Renewable Diesel GALLONS (UK) Renewable Diesel GJ Renewable Diesel KBTU (THOUSAND BTU) Renewable Diesel LITERS Renewable Diesel MBTU (MILLION BTU) Liquid Propane CCF (HUNDRED CUBIC FEET) Liquid Propane CF (CUBIC FEET) Liquid Propane CM (CUBIC METERS) Liquid Propane GALLONS Liquid Propane GALLONS (UK) Liquid Propane GJ Liquid Propane KBTU (THOUSAND BTU) Liquid Propane KCF (THOUSAND CUBIC FEET) Liquid Propane LITERS Liquid Propane MBTU (MILLION BTU) Liquid Propane KWH (THOUSAND WATT-HOURS) Liquid Propane MWH (MILLION WATT-HOURS) Propane CM (CUBIC METERS) Propane KWH (THOUSAND WATT-HOURS) Propane MWH (MILLION WATT-HOURS) Municipally Supplied Potable Water - Mixed Indoor/Outdoor KILOLITERS Municipally Supplied Potable Water - Indoor KILOLITERS Municipally Supplied Potable Water - Outdoor KILOLITERS Municipally Supplied Reclaimed Water - Mixed Indoor/Outdoor KILOLITERS Municipally Supplied Reclaimed Water - Indoor KILOLITERS Municipally Supplied Reclaimed Water - Outdoor KILOLITERS Well Water - Indoor KILOLITERS Well Water - Outdoor KILOLITERS Well Water - Mixed Indoor/Outdoor KILOLITERS Other - Mixed Indoor/Outdoor (Water) KILOLITERS Other - Indoor KILOLITERS Other - Outdoor KILOLITERS
Feel free to submit a request or email us directly if you have any questions!