This article describes the function, instructions, and header definitions of the 'Site Supplement Templates' in Measurabl.
To alter or add building characteristics or data to existing buildings in Measurabl in bulk. There are 6 main functions:
- Basic Attributes: Add or update the building profile information. Download the Basic Attributes template HERE
- Occupancy: Add percentages of the property space that is rented in monthly, quarterly, or yearly periods. Download the Occupancy template HERE
- Fair Market Value: Add the price(s) of an asset. Download the FMV template HERE
- Projects: Add efficiency/improvement measures implemented at a property. Download the Projects template HERE
- Audits: Add any type of assessment or study conducted at a property. Download the Audits template HERE
- Construction Stages: Add new construction or major renovations done at the property. Download the Construction Stages template HERE
- All headers that are green in the template are required fields to fill out. If it is blue, it is optional, and you can leave the cell blank. Note that some fields may be conditionally optional - meaning the field may be blue to start, but will turn green if it becomes required based on other information you add.
- Make sure the building name matches exactly how it is in Measurabl.
- If there is a dropdown menu in any of the cells, please use one of the options from the menu.
- All dates should be in MM/DD/YYYY format.
- Only input 1 line of data per row.
- Please do not add additional columns, fields, or alter the template in any way.
- Bulk uploads can not be reversed once they are processed by our team, so it is important to quality check the data before submitting it.
Once you've completed the bulk upload, you can send it to for processing.
The column header values for these templates are defined as:
Basic Attributes
- Building ID (Admin) - Leave blank. Measurabl will fill this column out.
- Building Source (Admin) - Leave blank. Measurabl will fill this column out.
- Building Name - Required. Enter the name exactly as it appears in Measurabl.
- Active - Optional. TRUE = Active, FALSE = Inactive.
- Bought Date - Optional. Date format should be in MM/DD/YYYY. The date the building was bought. This will replace an existing bought date. This field must be a valid date before the sold date.
- Sold Date - Optional. Date format should be in MM/DD/YYYY. The date the building was sold. This will replace an existing sold date. This field must be a valid date after the bought date.
- Sold Value - Optional. The value that the building was sold for in the currency listed in “Value Currency”. This field can only be added when there’s a valid date in the “Sold Date” column or there’s a pre-existing sold date on the building. It’ll replace whatever value was there before.
- Value Currency - Conditionally optional. The 3-letter abbreviation for the currency that the Bought and/or Sold Value relates to. The values in those columns will be assumed to be in this currency. This field is required when there are values in Bought Value or Sold Value.
- Percent Owned - Optional. The value between 0 and 100 representing what % the user owns this building. This will also update the Owned/Leased field based on the %. If a building is 0% owned, it is considered leased.
- Tenancy - Optional. “Multi” or “Single” depending on how many tenants the building has or could have.
- Class - Optional. Select option A, B, or C from the drop-down menu.
Custom ID - Optional. Max 250 characters. Any internal name or code your business uses to identify the property.
- Building ID (Admin) - Leave blank. Measurabl will fill this column out.
- Building Source (Admin) - Leave blank. Measurabl will fill this column out.
- Building Name - Required. Enter the name exactly as it appears in Measurabl.
- Occupancy Date - Required. Date format should be in MM/DD/YYYY.
Occupancy Rate - Required. Percentage cannot exceed 100%. The ratio (%) of rented or used space to the total amount of available space. This means the ratio of ft2/m2 of space that’s leased or occupied to the total leasable space (GLA).
Fair Market Value
- Building ID (Admin) - Leave blank. Measurabl will fill this column out.
- Building Source (Admin) - Leave blank. Measurabl will fill this column out.
- Building Name - Required. Enter the name exactly as it appears in Measurabl.
- FMV Date - Required. Date format should be in MM/DD/YYYY.
- FMV Value - Required. The price of an asset when buyer and seller have reasonable knowledge of it and are willing to trade without pressure.
Value Currency - Required. Select an option from the drop-down menu. The currency that the FMV Value is in.
To see a list of project type & subtype combinations, please see here.
- Building ID (Admin) - Leave blank. Measurabl will fill this column out.
- Building Source (Admin) - Leave blank. Measurabl will fill this column out.
- Building Name - Required. Enter the name exactly as it appears in Measurabl.
- Project Name - Required. The name for the project.
- Mandatory/Optional - Required. Whether this project was required to be done or was done optionally. Select an option from the drop-down menu.
- Type - Required. Select the project type from the drop-down menu.
- Subtype - Conditionally optional. Select the subtype from the drop-down menu.
- Scope - Required. The area of the property where the project was completed. You can not select ‘Common Areas’, if your property doesn’t have any common area spaces set up yet. To adjust your spaces, see here.
- Cost - Optional. Money spent to accomplish the project.
- Currency Code - Conditionally optional. Select an option from the drop-down menu. The currency that the cost value is in.
- Lifetime - Optional. Number of years before the project benefits expire.
- Description - Optional. Describe the project or add notes.
- Objectives & Targets - Optional.
- Assessed Date - Optional. Date format should be in MM/DD/YYYY.
- Approval Status - Required. Select the status from the drop-down menu.
- Status Detail - Required. Choose the applicable descriptor of the status.
- Budgeted - Optional. Cost budgeted for the project.
- Incremental Cost - Optional. The additional cost, if any, in design, procurement, construction and long-term maintenance, for achieving a reduction in energy usage or greenhouse gas emissions greater than the reduction that would be achieved under the applicable building code requirements.
- Approval Date - Conditionally optional. Date format should be in MM/DD/YYYY. Required if you choose 'Approved' status.
- Rejection Date - Conditionally optional. Date format should be in MM/DD/YYYY. Required if you choose 'Rejected' status.
- Commencement Date - Optional. Date format should be in MM/DD/YYYY.
Completion Date - Optional. Date format should be in MM/DD/YYYY.
- Building ID (Admin) - Leave blank. Measurabl will fill this column out.
- Building Source (Admin) - Leave blank. Measurabl will fill this column out.
- Building Name - Required. Enter the name exactly as it appears in Measurabl.
- Audit Name - Required. Name of the audit.
- Mandatory / Optional - Required. Select an option from the drop-down menu. Choose whether the audit was required to be done or was done optionally.
- Type - Required. Select an option from the drop-down menu.
- Scope - Required. The types of spaces that the audit can be applied to. Note, this is not the list of spaces, but the categorization of spaces affected. You can not select ‘Common Areas’, if your property doesn’t have any common area spaces set up yet. To adjust your spaces, see here.
- Description - Optional. Enter a summary description of the audit performed. Cannot be more than 2400 characters.
- Objectives & Targets - Optional. How this audit connects to your organization’s or site’s objectives and/or targets.
- Audit Date - Required. Date format should be in MM/DD/YYYY.
- Service Provider Name - Optional. The person/company who performed the audit. This is left blank if the audit was done internally.
- Service Provider Type - Conditionally optional. The type of third-party auditor that conducted the audit.
- File - Optional. If you would like to include PDF documentation of your audit, copy the PDF name and attach the PDF to your template submission email.
File Description - Optional. Notes to add about the attached file (if any).
Construction Events
- Building ID (Admin) - Leave blank. Measurabl will fill this column out.
- Building Source (Admin) - Leave blank. Measurabl will fill this column out.
- Building Name - Required. Enter the name exactly as it appears in Measurabl.
- Construction Stage - Required. Select construction task from the drop-down menu.
- Start Date - Required. Date format should be in MM/DD/YYYY. Enter the start date of the new construction or major renovation project.
End Date - Optional. Date format should be in MM/DD/YYYY. If the project has been completed, enter the end date of the new construction or major renovation.