The 'Invalid Bill' issue only refers to Utility Sync accounts which you are manually uploading bills to. There can be several reasons as to why a bill may be rejected or not able to be processed:
- The bill is not in PDF, JPG, or JPEG format.
- No account number on the bill.
- No usage or consumption ("charge-only" bills).
- No reading period start/end date on the bill.
- Poor scan quality (less than 300 dpi).
- Multiple bills in a single PDF. Note, we can only process 1 bill per PDF.
- Uploaded bill to wrong place or account isn't enrolled yet. The account number and provider name has to match where you upload the bill to. If the account number is not enrolled yet, please enroll it first to be able to upload bills to that account.
If you see the note for 'Wrong Provider', this can be a result from one or multiple of these options:
- The provider listed in Measurabl does not match what is on the bill. To correct this, please re-enroll the account to the correct Provider.
- The account number on the bill is already enrolled at another property with the same provider. Please double-check the account number you are trying to upload bill data to by searching the number in the Utility Sync tab.
- The account number enrolled at your property may be on the bill, but the number enrolled at the property is either a sub-account number, invoice or bill number. The true account number may be enrolled at another property or is not enrolled at the property you are uploading the bills to. Account numbers can only be enrolled once per provider and to one property in Measurabl. Therefore, if you are trying to upload data to a sub-account number, invoice or billing number, this data may need to be added as manual meters. Feel free to contact if you need further assistance with this issue!
Depending on what is causing the invalid bill, your next step will vary. You will want to either download or delete the invalid bill by clicking the three dots to the right of it. Next, you will need to either re-upload a different/better version of the bill, or re-upload the bill to the correct location. If you need further assistance, please reach out to us!