Once you've accepted your email invitation to Measurabl. You can begin adding and/or reviewing data for your properties! If you notice that there are some additional properties that should be in your profile, but don't see them, please reach out to support@measurabl.com noting the property name & address that you need to be given access to.
These steps below are suggested information you can add, however please keep in mind that the manager of Measurabl on your team may require additional information to be entered.
NOTE: If you need some more context on how to use the navigation tools in Measurabl, please see here. If you need an in depth explanation of how to use Measurabl, please either sign up or view a past site manager webinar.
- To add or review the site details of a property, click on the 'Sites' tab on the left navigation bar.
- Click on the desired property.
- Click on the 'Edit' button next to the property name > The 'Site Profile' page will pop up, and you can navigate through the tabs to enter in the following information:
- Property Details: Address, Building Class, Year Built and Custom ID (last two optional)
- Control: Ownership, Tenancy, Occupancy Readings
- Spaces: Property Type(s) & spaces (floor area and leasable vs common area)
- Lifecycle Events: Bought/Sold, Initial Construction, Major Renovation, Appraisal.
Ordinances: Local regulations based on your site's location.
Please follow this guide on how to add Projects & Audits.
Measurabl automatically pulls in certifications and ratings from LEED, BREEAM, and ENERGY STAR®, based on the exact address you have entered in Measurabl for your property - You can either accept or deny these certifications or ratings. If you have other certifications or ratings that haven't been automatically pulled in, you can manually add them.
Accepting Automated Certifications & Ratings:
- Click the 'Sites' tab > Click on the desired property.
- Click on the 'Certifications & Ratings' tab. Any unconfirmed certifications will be highlighted.
- Review the imported certification(s) within the table to confirm that the information is correct.
- Click on the imported certification.
- Click 'Accept; to confirm it. If it is invalid or for a different site, click "Reject" (EX// If the name or address does not match).
There are 2 ways that utility data can be entered into Measurabl: Manually or via Connect.
Connect is the preferred option because there is less time/effort required on your end, and it is more accurate since there is less room for human error. Here's how you can set up set up Connect at your property(s). Please note that there are 2 types, Bill Uploads or Connect (linked with the utility provider portal)
- Connect: Automatic syncing of your utility bills from your utility provider's online portal into Measurabl.
- Bill Upload: Uploading the utility bill PDFs into Measurabl and we extract the data from the bills.
If there is utility data already entered into your property...
- Firstly, make note of which method of data entry it is (manual entry, Bill Upload, or Connect).
Note that all Bill Upload and Connect meters are automatically named in the following format:
MSR.(provider)(account number):(meter number) - If it is a manual meter, you (or someone on your team) will have to periodically keep the meter up to date in Measurabl, since it is not automated.
- If it is a Bill Upload meter, you will have to periodically upload the PDF bills into Measurabl to keep the meters updated or to fill any gaps in the data.
- If it is a Connect meter, no further action is required. Just be sure that your login credentials stay up to date, and Measurabl does the rest!
NOTE: If you notice any issue alerts on your Connect meters, please see here on how to resolve them.
If you need someone on your team to have access to a property, please reach out to support@measurabl.com noting which property (name & address) they need to be added to.
Feel free to submit a request or email us directly if you have any questions!